Sunday 28 June 2020

Important Programming Language to become a good Software Developer

If you are doing computer engineering or graduation in computer, then surely you will want to become a good software developer if your interest is in programming languages.

So friends, in order to be a good software developer, we have to read all that subject from the programming point of view which is part of our syllabus.

Programming Language subject to become a good Software Developer

By the way, you will know which subject is important but for beginner we are going to tell how much which subject should be read to become a good software developer.

Friends, we will explain the subject related to the software development life cycle of software engineering that comes to make a complete project.

A software developer codes on the programming part of project through programming language. The software developer can work on project front end and back end. But generally he works only on the back end because he has to code to complete the functionality of the project.

 Subject for Become good software developer

C Programming:

Programming in C is the subject in your computer graduation in the first year itself, C Programming which is the most important programming language subject because in this subject you can learn what is programming and how to do programming and apply to programming logic.

C Programming is the base of all Programming languages subject. In this all the topics of programming which are also in another programming subject, it is just the difference of syntax and the rest of the logic is the same.

That's why you have to read C programming in deep and clear all the concepts only then you will be able to conceptualize other subject very well.

C++ Programming: 

 In your second semester or second year another programming subject comes whose name is c++ programming. Which you cannot say advance of C. It is an object oriented programming subject whereas C is a  structure programming subject.

C++ defines the concept of Class and Object which is a real world entity. In C++ we learn how programming can be done with the object of a real world.

The most important subject is because all other object based programming language follows the concept of C++. So to be a good software developer, you have to understand the C++ subject very well and implement it practically.

Data Structure:

This subject is an algorithm based subject which is very important subject to be a good software developer. In this subject you learn how to solve a problem before its prototype algorithm is prepared which can execute in less time and less memory. So friends, you have to read this subject very well if you want to become a good software developer.

Front End Programming: 

In front end we are not talking here about designing language like HTML CSS Bootstrap etc.
Here we have Dynamic front end programming language which also works on the back end then the name of that subject is Javascript. This subject may not be in the syllabus part but is a very important subject. It has almost 24 framework Such as Node Js, React Js, Angular Js, Backbone Js, Knockout Js, ember Js and vue Js etc.

You can also get software developer job easily by learning javascript  framework. Because it is very demanding programming language.


Friends it is a part of Database Programmer but to be a good programmer, you have to be perfect in Database Query too. Database developer has a profile for database design but you read the programming part as well as perform database query only then you will be able to understand the sdlc of the project. And you can become a good software developer.

Java Programming: 

Java Subject is also Object oriented programming language which is syntax wise difference from C++ but the concept is almost same. Java is a very highly secure strong programming language that is used a lot.

If you understand C and C++ well then you will understand Java easily.

Read also: 10 Career option after Computer graduate.
Read also: Different Job Profile in Software Company.

Friends to become a good software developer, you do not have to be a master in all programming language. Just you should know a little basic of programming language as earlier described but you have to strengthen C and C++ subject.

After that depends on which  programming language you want to make future such as Java, C# (.NET Framework) , PHP, Android(App Developer), Python (Machine Learning), JS framework etc.
So friends, if these programming languages are not a part of your syllabus then you have to learn by yourself because these are all integrated with an IDE so that you can build the project.

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